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Hakubi Guardis

End-to-End Vulnerability & Patch Management


Guardis: Vulnerability & Patch Management

Most companies think AV is enough, but AV won’t help against your endpoint’s vulnerabilities. Using Guardis, underpinned by Qualys, let us create, manage, and configured your vulnerability and patch management. 

24/7 Access & Contribution

We don't stop creating new rules, because the attackers don't.

Verified by SOC Engineers

Our detection rules aren't secret, but are iron-clad meaning if used, attackers (even with the knowledge) will still struggle to bypass them.

Daily Updates

Cloud connected means that we can integrate into some SIEM endpoints too - meaning you don't even have to lift a finger!

Powered by Stats

We know what you want. By using data collected from the platform, we will create (and can be asked) to create detection rules and automations just for you.

Vulnerability & Patch Solution

1. Requirements

You tell us what you want from this. We can do anything from comprhensive reporting on vulnerabilities, to complete end-to-end patching of devices.

2. Design & Docs

With your requirements, we then develop, document, and deploy your Guardis service.

3. Validation

We then test our detection rules thoroughly on all SIEM platforms, to ensure top-quality.

Where do we focus our attention?

  • Windows, MacOS, and Linux

  • Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures

  • Arising Vulnerabilities

  • Other

Underpinned by Qualys...

Our Guardis solution is underpinned by the award-winning vulnerability management tool, Qualys.  No complex dashboards, just pure stats and confidence delivered through the Hakubi App

Rules are updated regularly.
We integrate with our own, and 3rd party intelligence.
Rules can be requested by you!
We support over 20+ SIEM tools using SIGMA.

Hakubi Filtera Pricing



Guardis Basic

$ 0 /m
$ 0 /yr
  • *Access to 5 Basic Rules
  • Weekly Intelligence Reports
  • Basic Community Support

Guardis Pro

$ 79 /mo
$ 790 /yr
  • Access to all Basic Rules
  • *Access to 25 Advanced Rules
  • Weekly Intelligence Reports
  • 24/7 Support

Guardis Enterprise

$ 249 /mo
$ 2490 /yr
  • Access to all Basic Rules
  • Access to all Advanced Rules
  • Weekly Intelligence Reports
  • 24/7 Support

We work hard so you don't have to!


Current Rules


Total Rules Downloaded


Happy Customers